Coaching Psychology


Do you know what you want, want it a lot, but your efforts aren’t getting you there?

Do you have behaviour and thinking patterns that don’t make you happy?

Are things generally fine, except for that one or two things that you can’t seem to shift or change?

Do you have a clear goal and just need some time and space to figure out how to get there?

 Coaching Psychology will identify the issue, clarify your thoughts and feelings, resolve barriers to change and harness the will to move toward your goals.

We will focus on both your inner world and your outer reality by identifying:

·       the inner thoughts and beliefs that are not true and limit your life

·       the inner emotions that block you from moving forward

·       the outer practical actions that can be taken to change things now.

Coaching Psychology keeps the end in sight while identifying small, manageable steps that have the most impact.

If you are interested in coaching psychology, email me here at or call 0408 478 664 for a free initial discussion.