12-Step Based Therapy


This therapy combines evidence based therapy with an understanding of the the steps, slogans and traditions of the program. It is not a ‘sponsorship’ arrangement, but a way to address life issues with a therapist who understands the 12 step approach.

People typically focus on:

  • The issues that led them to practicing their addiction in the first place

    The thoughts / feelings and behaviours that arise when the the problematic behaviour or substance is taken away

  • Evidence based strategies that support new behaviours such as changing one’s thinking

  • Dealing with day-to-day life clean and sober, or without enabling

  • Discovering the positive - their strengths and what is going well

  • Putting self-care first and what self-care actually means for each person

  • Questions around personal spirituality and meaning.

Like the program, it is illuminating, encouraging and practical.

If you are interested in 12-step based therapy, email me here at anitaalexander54@gmail.com or call 0408 478 664 for a free initial discussion.